My Rape, The Podcast

The world around us has changed - our reality is not what we once knew. We are currently surrounded by information, anxiety to act upon that information, and stagnant days with an ambiguous end date. To add, we are confined with our thoughts, with time to let our minds race and wander. How many find it a constant battle not to go down that deep hole of negativity, but to stay positive?  To many this is a new, unprecedented time. However, for a victim of sexual assault, these feelings, of loneliness and despair, are not new nor unprecedented, but oh so familiar.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and, while we are focusing on flattening the curve, we cannot forget about the survivors of sexual violence and rape. I was recently interviewed during a podcast with Hear Me Roar, about my rape, and my battle, fighting for my survival.

It took me years to process and acknowledge my own assault and start to truly heal. I hope that my story and the stories of others on this podcast help survivors strengthen our voices, break down the barriers and open up the dialogue to talking about rape.

Please listen to this podcast, as I share my story and may you find some comfort in knowing you are not alone and I am one more voice to strengthen our call to action, putting an end to sexual violence and rape.
